Cooperative Art & Culture Hub

Kunia's programme includes weekly dance classes, movement and acrobatics seminars, art & crafts workshops, exhibitions by emerging artists, social dance nights and other events. Our programme is constantly updated!
Weekly Classes
danceNew class starting 03/02
21:30-22:30Lindy HopBeginnerswith Efi & Savvinadance
19:00 - 21:00Εngraving Workshop (linoleum)For all - Open Levelwith Nicky VarelidouLearn more & Book your spotArts
Movers Circle(11/02 - 29/04) join us for a FREE class
21:00-23:00Contemporary Dance & ImprovFor all - Open Levelwith George PanopoulosMovers Circlefrom 02/10
19:00 - 21:00Εngraving Workshop (linoleum)For all - Open Levelwith Nicky VarelidouLearn more & Book your spotArtsαπό 6/02
20:30 - 21:30Vernacular Solo JazzFor all - Open Levelwith JoDancejoin us for a FREE class
to be confirmedSwing Performance GroupLevel-up(requires knowledge of basic techniques & choreographies like Shim Sham, Tranky Doo)with Jo & JordanLearn more & Book your spotDanceduration 16/01-03/04
20:00 - 21:00Lindy Hop - New Beginners ClassBeginnerswith Savvina & AlexandroLearn more & Book your spotdancestarting on: 06/12
Workshops & Events
01 & 02 February
21:00 - 21:50When life gives you garbageSavvina Romanou-Pylli & Vasilis Bogdanosfor 12+Learn more & Buy your TicketPhysical theatreThessaloniki Fringe Echoes
Monday 03/02New weekly beginners class
dancestarting on: 03/02
Friday 07/02Social dance night
danceat Maieftirio Comedy Club

Social Swing Dancing
στο Μαιευτήριο Comedy Club
Dance, music, chit-chat
All Welcome